8-Week Hilly Sportive Cycling Plan

This plan is for cyclists who want to ride their next Sportive with confidence so they can

  • Ride at a faster average speed

  • Stay with the bunch on hills and flats

  • Climb without being dropped

  • Don’t fear the broom wagon

  • Won’t ride the whole event on their own

  • Look leaner and lighter in their ride kit

What you’ll get with your 8-Week Hilly Sportive Cycling Plan:

1: KEY bike sessions per week:

  • ’ll set you three KEY bike sessions per week – and 1 ancillary. Now clearly, hitting each training session will give you the best results. However, I understand that sometimes life will get in the way of your training, so on occasions such as these, focus on the key sessions.

2: Gym or home strength sessions:

  • Your strength plan comes with a full breakdown PDF and videos of how to perform each exercise with the timing of each lift. You’ll need to have a basic but sound experience of lifting weights.

3: Back up and support in the VPCC members Facebook group:

This added bonus will help you get the best from your training and get you focused on your diet and nutrition.

Need a bit more clarity on a training session just ask. Want to lose weight, make sure you are eating the right foods for fat loss? The diet and nutrition, accountability and check-in posts have you covered. (You won't get that from a dry training plan)

4: A FREE Training Peaks account:

  • This is a great application that delivers daily reminders of your training and shows you exactly where you are so you can monitor your progress. It's free to sign up and syncs easily with Zwift and Garmin


MT FTP is up by 15%.

With it being my first venture into a proper training plan I wasn’t sure what results to expect but over the 8 weeks, my FTP increased by 15% which I’m more than happy with.


My ability to ride at threshold increased dramatically.

My ability to actually ride at threshold for long periods increased dramatically; I was able to ride slightly above my old FTP for 41 minutes and comfortably beat a friend up Sa Calobra in the middle of a fairly long ride.


The extra nutrition support was fantastic

There is fantastic nutritional information that made me reconsider my diet. Simon offered me a lot of support throughout the plan with the private Facebook group which meant I wasn't just left to figure it out myself.


8 Week Hilly Sportive Cycling PLan

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